Mother's Work · Motherhood · Parenting · Self-Care · Toddlers

Check those emotions at the first sound of the alarm

Somewhere in between, or floating above, the layers of responsibility of each day is the thin but taut layer of emotion. Some days it’s stable, at a comfortable distance, and not intrusive. Other days it is constantly changing positions; we hit our heads on it, then suddenly we’re bouncing up and down on it. And… Continue reading Check those emotions at the first sound of the alarm

Mother's Work · Motherhood · Parenting · Toddlers

Parenting vs. learning to drive

Through my personal research on motherhood in the United States, I’ve come to agree with Susan Maushart and something she says in her book “The Mask of Motherhood”: “…we devote more care to the licensing of automobile drivers than we do to preparing adults for parenthood. It’s a point worth pondering. Limiting our education for… Continue reading Parenting vs. learning to drive